1. Parents/guardians must fully outline any medical condition which your child may have.  Completing the online form signifies that medical consent has been granted for participation in tennis training activites.  

2. G-Force Tennis is staffed by relevantly qualified persons who will implement the highest safety 

measures; however G-Force Tennis assumes no responsibility for damages, injuries and illnesses which 

your child/ren may sustain as a result of his/her physical condition and or resulting from his/her 

participation in tennis events, private instruction or summer camp.

3. G-Force Tennis is not responsible for any items lost or stolen. 

4. All participants must follow the instructions of the staff. Misbehavior may result in termination of 

participation without refund.

5. G-Force Tennis reserves the right to refuse, suspend or terminate participation for any reason.


I understand that there will be suitable supervision during tennis events, private instruction and summer camp.

I understand and give my permission to G-Force Tennis to use, without limitation or obligation, photographs or 

video footage which may include my child’s image or voice, for purposes of promoting G-Force Tennis.

I give permission to G-Force Tennis staff to assist my child(ren) with any personal care tasks that may be deemed 

necessary that they themselves may not be fit to undertake.

In the event of an illness or accident, I give permission for medical treatment to be administered when 

considered necessary by a suitably qualified medical practitioner and/or hospital. I understand that every effort 

will be made to contact me as soon as possible. G-Force Tennis shall not be liable for any resulting medical bills 

for any provided services.  I understand that all medical bills are my responsibility.

In consideration of the privilege of participating in G-Force tennis events, private instruction or summer camp, I 

hereby voluntarily release and discharge G-Force Tennis, its agents, assigns and employees from any and all 

claims for injury, illness, loss or damage, which my child may suffer as a result of his /her participation in these 


I understand that no accident or medical insurance is provided by G-Force Tenis.


No refunds within 3 days of camp start date.  A 25% cancellation fee applies to all refunds before the no refund 

period unless otherwise agreed upon.

Completing the online registration process for the child(ren) registered, signifies that you have read, understood 

and agree with the above terms and conditions and the parental consents.